I know I haven't posted in a while, but I have been extremely busy. well. a couple of weekends ago, we went to go chop wood. and g-pa Barry and g-ma Risa tagged along. I think we had a good time. While helping granpa load wood, a bee stung my finger.i have never been stung by a bee before and to my surprise, it didn't hurt as bad as i thought it would. so after i was stung, i read my book for the remainder time. The day was beautiful, and so were the mountains. IT was a good day even though i was stung by a bee.
On the 11th day of Christmas . . .
10 years ago
Hey Stella. Sorry 'bout the bee sting. Would you believe I've never been stung by a bee? Now a couple years back, I got stung by a wasp/yellow jacket/something living on our deck furniture, but that's it. I feel your pain. Give your momma a hug for me, tease your dad for me, and keep up the good works.
Bummer about the bee sting. :l
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