25 July 2007

My Home!

this is my home for those of you who haven't had the chance to see it!! I live happily here!! I live on the golf course in a blue and peach house! We are currently building! and the house is coming together quite nicely! I can't wait!!!!!! I will have my OWN ROOM!!! post to ya later!

My puppies

I also have 4 very playful dogs! they are german short hairs. I love them so much! i have 3 puppies and 1 mature puppy!!! lol
our oldest is Max! He is the brown handsome one! then comes Patchy- she is the odd looking but cute one in white! then we have Chili- she is the other brown cute princess! and last but not least we have thora- our spoiled dark cutie pie!

My 3 wonderful brothers

i have 3 very wonderful brothers!! their names are Jefferson, Mitchell, and Sullivan!! they all keep me pretty busy! jeff loves doing all sports and wrestling mitchell at home!! mitchell likes sports and reading louis lamour books. sully loves sports and learning about animals! they all are very special brothers. i love them all!!

24 July 2007

The Doctor

Yesterday, i went to flagstaff with my mom! I had a heart test! when i got there the doctor was really really nice he gave me an ultra sound and he made me run on a treadmill! On the treadmill, i had like 30 wires on me to make sure my heart was working good! it was a neat experience!!I did very well but i could have heart problems when i am older like jordan did! So i will have to keep checking up! Talk to you later!

23 July 2007

RV Swim meet

this last saturday i had a swim meet in round valley i did okay but not too well on back stroke and freestyle!!
any way this last sunday one of the bishops in the stake died! his name was Bishop Morris!! he has 7 kids! it broke my heart to hear that he had died!
P.S (that's me in the middle)