PICTURE 1: I was strapped to this thing for like 3 hours. I was very uncomfortable. there was a back board underneath me. i couldn't move.
PICTURE 2: they took the back board off, and the duck tape. also the card board thing. i still have the neck brace. ill take a picture of me with it on soon.
30 November 2008
28 November 2008
Okay, so this last week has been really rough. I have experienced many frightening and AWESOME things. be ready for a really long post.-I will post pictures later.
SATURDAY:Nov 15- We had a volleyball tournament in Alchesay and placed 2nd. we did awesome and it was good to see my Holbrook buddies. we came home in our little bus and were dropped off at the school. then my friend's sister came and picked us up. (us being me, my friend Kylie, and my other friend Taylor) as we were driving home we wrecked. we hit head-on with another car. none of us had our seat belts on -except the driver Taylor's sister. She got a burn from the air-bag and broke something in her hand. me and my friend Kylie were in the back seat were fine we only had a few bruises and scrapes. on the other hand, my friend Taylor, who was in the passenger seat, was unconscious. we went to the ER and Taylor was flown to St. Josephs in Phoenix.
SUNDAY:Nov16- I woke up hurting really bad. I was sore all over. so i stayed home from church and rested. I kept thinking about Taylor all day. a few people visited me.
MONDAY: Nov17- I woke up a little sore but did not want to go to school. so I stayed home. my dad and I went to go pick up my friend Kylie. she was going to stay the day at our house with me because her mom and dad were in the valley for a football game. We played games, watched TV, slept, and ate food.
TUESDAY-FRIDAY: Nov 18-21- I went to school and had a volleyball game. It was normal except without my spunky Taylor. Kylie spent the night.
SATURDAY: Nov 22- Me, my mom, and Kylie went to see Taylor. I was scared but i needed to see her. It was a long drive but it was worth it. We got down there around lunch time and had Panda Express. YUMMY! Then we went to see Taylor. She was staying the PICU. We walked in and it felt really peaceful. THe light was off because they said she responds better in the dark. She was still out, and had her breathing tube in, and her feeding tube in but to see her made me feel that everything was going to be alright. We talked to her and joked with her and it felt she was wake and happy. then we got some ice cream at BASKIN ROBINS-31 flavors, and went home.
SUNDAY-MONDAY:Nov 23-24- On Sunday I had YW in excellence and then on Monday I went to school and did all the normal things.But, on Monday night we went with my dad and sully to the valley for our thanksgiving weekend.
TUESDAY:Nov 25- woke up late and went to my aunt Tennille's house to help her with her preschool while my dad was at meetings. while sully helped the baby-sitter watch griffin. It was fun and i liked helping her. then in the afternoon, my dad took me to see Taylor. the light was still off and and she still had her breathing and feeding tube in. i talked to her and felt peaceful.Then we had pizza at Tennille's house and went back to the hotel. My mom and Mitchel were coming down and were not to far away. The hotel had Dark Night and I had never seen the movie, so we watched it. IT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!
WEDNESDAY:Nov26- woke up really late and got news of Taylor . the nurse told Taylor if you can hear me then wave. SHE WAVED. it was awesome to hear that. then we went to Denny's. Then, we went to our uncle Tony's house to have our thanksgiving dinner. It was delicious. I love a good dinner.we stayed the night there
THURSDAY: Nov27(Thanksgiving)- woke up and went to Boomers house. Boomer, my dad, Jeff,and their friend Dennis were going to go hunting. so while they packed up I played with Griffin (the sweetest kid in the world.) Then when they left we went to go see Taylor-for me. WE walked in and she was asleep but the light was on. Her mom woke her up and told her to wave. I couldn't believe it was her. I miss her so much at school. but i know that if i pray and fast everything will be okay. then we ate and went to our friend Jody's house. we visited her and the Karges family for a little then went home.
FRIDAY: Nov 28- I'm here posting and thinking about Taylor! have a safe holiday and wear your seat belts.
20 October 2008
- I love biting my nails. It is a bad habit i need to stop.
- I love to chew on things. Especially plastic! i don't know why but it is so enjoyable to just sit and think while you chew on something. No wonder i loved 'poo-fiers' so much.(pacifiers)
I have long fingers and long arms for my height! it comes in handy during sports.
- The worst nightmare i have ever had is of crumpled paper. It is weird but i love folding my papers. In the dream, the paper flashes back and forth between smooth and wrinkly! WEIRD i know!
- This is really hard!! umm... I have ran for student council for three consecutive years and never won. always losing by like 5 or 3 votes!! I really wish peaople would just vote for me!!! if only they really got to know me and knew how much i would enjoy doing it.
- I love taking pictures. This year I have a photgraphy class and i really like it! i do really well. *even though i lost a school camera. ALso I have a career class and I always say I wouild like to be a photographer! i think it would be fun.
- I'm extremely weird!! ask my friends. I can be really shy! but when im in the zone, I can be totally random, and goofy! Maybe thats why people don't vote for me!! they think im some kind of freak! OH WELL! I love being me.
Nerd night
For young womans the other week, we did a daddy daughter nerd night. it was really fun! You had to dress up as a nerd with your dad. Then, you had to a bunch of activities: 1)Shave your dad blindfolded, WITH A POPSICLE STICK!!!!so there was no ! 2) 3 legged race. 3) your dad had to pick out which pair of feet was yours. 4) you had to pick your dads nose out of the rest. 5) a nerd test. (my dad was the nerdiest! he even wore a belt buckle with his name on it.) 6) tie your dads tie. & at the end everyone got an award. I got best use of sweats award. 7) Your dad had to braid your hair! we toally lost that one. It was really fun and I don't really do anything like that with my dad (without brothers), so i was glad i was able to go and he wasn't busy. This week we are having a halloween pary. I will post on that later.
27 September 2008
Science Project..
what a stud
This month in science we have been learning about DNA. so our last project was to "Create a Person" using DNA codes. My person was the coolest, if I may say. I used Max's head with Michael Phelps body.so he turned out to be an awesome stud! what do ya think? Can you see max looking like this in high school? (its not a good scan sorry)
look what i found
look at the fat on this kid
Don't think i know them *weirdos
Max - look at those cheeks
Today I was at my friends house and we were finding things to wear for *Spirit Week* and when i got home i had my mom take some pics of me. Then i looked at the pics on the camera and realized they were from the reunion. they are not that great but they look alright.
09 September 2008
When the Family Gets Together...
I know I haven't posted in a while, but I have been extremely busy. well. a couple of weekends ago, we went to go chop wood. and g-pa Barry and g-ma Risa tagged along. I think we had a good time. While helping granpa load wood, a bee stung my finger.i have never been stung by a bee before and to my surprise, it didn't hurt as bad as i thought it would. so after i was stung, i read my book for the remainder time. The day was beautiful, and so were the mountains. IT was a good day even though i was stung by a bee.
25 August 2008
Happy Bday to Miss Stella
Now that you are all 13, you enter into a whole new world.
We sure love you,
1. Because you sing in the shower
2. Because you love the dogs
3. Because you don't care about a messy room.
4. Because you shared a room with Sully until just this year.
5. Because you are amazing in Swimming, Volleyball, Softball, Basketball and Shot Put
6. Because you are great with babies - cousins & AVA
7. Because you are a great Beehive Pres.
8. Because you make your own breakfast and lunch most days.
9. Because you make us smile
10. Because you have great friends.
11. Because you have great brothers.
12. Because you have a great mom and dad
13. Because you have straight hair :}
Your famizzle
10 August 2008
*Random Post
20 July 2008
All About Me (Flikr style)
The mosaic above represents my answers:
Stella, Smores, Round Valley High, Lime Green, Jack Sparrow, Pink Lemonade, Australia, Brownie Sundae, Mom, Family, Goofy, Udall
Here is how you can play too:
a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd's mosaic maker.
The Questions:
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What high school did you go to?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favorite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One Word to describe you.
12. Your flickr name. (kid version: favorite animal?)
17 July 2008
My softball season
Okay, I played softball this year(for the little league team.) We were the D-Backs! I had a good time. The only pictures we took of the season were at my game in Heber, where we had a double header. I played left field the whole time in both games. we played really well the first game. i don't remember the score, but we did really good. then, the second game, we tied. (i think) I hit really well too. while, i wasn't playing in the game, me and my friend kylie (UDALL- distant relative)played in the dug out. We made stick people. They were awesome! we used gum to stick grass hair and to make skirtts and put hats on them. I can't wait for school softball to start.
all stars- SULLY
Sully was asked to do all stars also. At first, he wasn't going to. but, when my mom heard they needed one more player she couldn't decline. so he played. The games were originally supposed to be played in Winslow, but thankfully, they changed the games to st. johns. the first game they lost by 1. 13-12. then the second game they lost also. I don't know the score on that one.so they were out. but he did great. at least thats what I heard.
all-stars. JEFF
14 July 2008
Girls camp - swimming
03 July 2008
Girls camp - The Swing
23 June 2008
hey everyone, I have been at girls camp for a while so I had no time to post! but, when I got back I left for mesa to spend a week with friends!
24 May 2008
(200 m dash) (Band-aid burns)
Well, this being the last month of school, I never got to tell about track. Well, I ran 200meter dash, 400 meter dash, and sometimes relay. My Field events were shot put, and long jump. But, Shot put was my main event. In fact I went to finals in Shot Put and took 2nd. My dad says that I make the Udall name proud! I also went to finals in relay. But, we didn't do well. Also, when We went to our track meet in Blue Ridge. I got a bad sunburn. That was also the day I got shots on both shoulders, so I had band-aids on my shoulders when I got sunburned. So I got a band-aid burn.