Last Friday night, my volleyball team and i had a fun evening. All the s slept at my house for the tournament we had the next morning. BOY!! what a night. all these pictures were taken in about 5 minutes!! WE all first watched a little tv, then came dinner, then TPing!!! well i guess we didn't plan the TPing too good, so someone decided to ring the doorbell. Oh man did me and my friend stormy run. but, i guess the running didn't help. while hiding the spriklers came on right in our faces. we got caught! as our punishment, we had to pick up all the toilet paper and throw it away!! WHAT A PAIN! But after that adventure, all s took a shower and needed to blow dry their hair!! Since we had about 4 dryers plugged in & going on high!! Guess what? the power in the bathroom and my room went out. and it just so happened that i had to be in the shower when it happened. but i guess it was fun! anyway after that we all settled down and watched AFV!! and then calmed down for bed.Although we talked for about and hour and a half! (typical s) the at 5:00 we all woke up and left for the tournament!
On the 11th day of Christmas . . .
10 years ago